Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Compounds for Gains and Loss

So, you have a goal of increasing lean muscle mass, reducing body fat, or increasing strength. Maybe your goal is all of the above and you do not know what training approach to take. It has been a long tried and true practice to use compound training to meet these goals. Currently, and now more than ever, there are tons of training ideas and approaches that are promising drastic muscle gains and body fat loss. The truth is somewhere in the fine print, where it say's, "RESULTS NOT TYPICAL". So, if the results are not typical, then your essentially taking a gamble. Before I continue, let me say that I believe in the benefits of circuit training, cardiovascular training, HITT training, etc. When it comes to compound training, it is undeniable that the results will being consistent.

Compound exercises consists of multi-joint movements such as squats, deadlifts or bench press. These movements engage the larger muscle groups of the body and require the most energy output to properly engage the muscle. This will also systematically recruit the surrounding muscle groups to complete the movement and in essence create a full body effort. When this combination is utilized, the body will increase its testosterone and GH production and capitalize the protein synthesis process. In addition, metabolism rate will rise and we all know what a heighten metabolism does to body fat.

Compound exercises generally consists of movements that simulate our everyday movements. Wether  we are pushing, pulling, pressing, squatting or lifting, to some degree we are simulation the bodies natural motions. We are also able to train against more resistance when using compound movement unlike with isolation movements.

Let us take a look at some of the elite athletes that frequently utilize compound training. Bodybuildings, Powerlifters and CrossFit athletes. The bread and butter training for any successful athlete in their respective arenas, consist of compound training. So, what are the best of the best when it comes to compound training? Well, that will forever be a debate but here are my top four compound movements.

#4-Chest Press
The chest press exercise or commonly referred to as bench press, is arguably the best upper body exercise to build muscle mass. This movement engages the chest, shoulders, triceps and back muscle groups. To properly perform this movement, the resistance on the dicentric or lowering portion of the movement should be slow and controlled. This will stretch the muscle fibers as the bar is lowered and the same rules apply when pressing the weight upward. DO NOT, DO NOT, DO NOT, bounce the bar off your chest or abdominal area. The risk of injury is not worth it. Steady progression equals injury free and muscle gains.

#3-Pull Ups
Now I have always been torn between the pull-up and barbell rows. Both are great movements but I believe that pull-ups provided more muscle engagements than the barbell row. Pull-ups engage the biceps, delta, rhomboids, lats and traps. This movement is challenging when performed with just body weight and from dead hangs. For great back development, this is one movement that should not be excluded.

This movement is phenomenal for building complete thickness of the overall physique. Deadlifts engages the calfs, quads, hamstrings, glutes, spinal erectors, lats, rhomboids, abs, arms, traps, chest. VIRTUALLY EVERY MAJOR MUSCLE GROUP IN THE BODY. The emphasis on certain muscle groups can be achieved by performing a variation of the deadlift movement, such as stiff leg deadlifts or sumo deadlifts. Deadlifts also help to increase functional strength, so picking up those five gallon water jugs will become a breeze.
Here is a video of me performing this movement.

#1-Barbell Back Squat
The benefits of this movement could have its very own article, but I will condense it into a few sentences the best I can. Squats will engage the strongest muscles in our legs, quads and hamstrings. That is not to overshadow he core requirements for stabilization, the traps, chest and arms that are also engaged. The cardiovascular benefits become very evident as we exceed the fifth repetition. This can be accomplished with heavy or light weight. Functional benefits include engaging the spinal erectors and waist and upper back. This should scream CONTROL to you. Do not rush the movement. Stay tight and control the movement, don't allow the weight to dictate your pace and control. Squats help complete a solid foundation of the physique and overall development of the body. The proper application of this movement will prove to be a staple in your training, when performed properly.
Here is a video of me performing this exercise.

I certainly hope that this article and my top four compound movements has given you something to add to your training program and exposed you to the undeniable benefits of compound training.


  1. 100% agreed, not necessarily all the exercises every week, but alway coming back to them.

    1. Agreed. I think it is important to incorporate one of these movements, or a variation of them, into the training. Thanks for checking this post out.

  2. I enjoyed this blog! It was very helpful. Great write up and overview of compound movements.

    1. Very happy to hear you found this post helpful. Also check out the previous post and thank you for the support.

  3. Very good information here. I will be incorporating this into my routine. Thanks!

    1. You're very welcome and I appreciate you reading. Please return, I'll have plenty more to come. Also, if there is a topic you'd like to know about, I can incorporate that also.

  4. Those are the main exercises I hv been focused on during the offseason. Great reading here bruh. Can't wait to hv you prep me up for the next show so we can bring some hardware back to northern illinois. Thanks pro

    1. Its about time we get after it. You've done it before and we will get you there again. Thanks for the support bro, many more to come.
