Monday, November 17, 2014

Back To The Basics

Authentic Physiques Mission

The goal and overall mission of Authentic Physiques is to provide every willing individual with new reliable ideas and approaches to improve their current physical, mental and health state.

This is accomplished through proper nutrition, fitness and wellness education. Our goal is not to feed you crumbs of half-truths but rather to give you the information in it’s totality and allow you to apply it to your needs and goals.

This article is not a step-by-step program to shed twenty pounds of body fat or add ten pounds of lean muscle. That will come in later issues. This article is about getting Back To The Basics. The A-B-C’s to building a solid foundation so your goals can be efficiently attained.
Just Get Up and Get Started.

Have you ever been assigned an assignment or project at work or school and didn’t have a clue on how to start it? I would bet that once you started putting words onto paper, it all kind of fell into place. Health and fitness is no different. You don’t need a step-by-step program to tell you to jog around the block. Who needs a training partner to get off the couch and do push-ups or jumping jacks? Absolutely Nobody. Do not allow yourself to get swept into the sea of excuses. Just Get Up and Get Started.

I suggest that you choose something that grasp your attention and go from there. Something active that will keep your interest and not seem like another job or chore. Are you into soccer, tennis, volleyball, biking, hiking, etc. Then get after it and make time for it everyday. No set number of repetitions is needed for this style of being active. Anything beyond sedentary living is one step closer to attaining those goals you set for yourself.

Stop Dieting. Eat Well.

This may be the hardest for most people to understand and apply. The simplest way I can explain this concept is, enjoy what you eat with your goals in mind. If your goals can afford for you to eat that extra helping or two serving of desert then have at it. If the food doesn’t align with your goals then they need to go.

Studies show that nutrition accounts for 70%-80% of ALL fitness goals. Meaning that over half of your efforts and results depend on proper nutritional decisions. Other studies show that most DIETS are abandoned due to lack of interest from flavor, variety and boring repeated meals. I’ll explain how to mix things up in later article issues. It’s time we remove the idea of dieting and choose to eat well.

I suggest preparing meals with proper macronutrient (carbs, fats, proteins) ratios. Typical ratios consist of a 50% carbs, 30% protein, and 20% fats. This means these percentages come from your daily total caloric intake. Details in later article issues.

Plan. Prepare. Execute.

Planning is critical in all of our daily activities, so why should health and fitness be any different. Planning what your going to do and when will make your day smoother when it comes to fitness and nutrition. Plan to have your meals prepped or prepared so you’re not scrambling at the last moment and make a decision that isn’t aligned with your goals. Plan where your fitness activities will fit into your day. If your letting it fall where it may, then your failing to plan. Don’t allow this to take a backseat in your life, make it a priority.

Prepare to be successful; this includes your fitness and health goals. If your daily routine has you away from home for hours at a time, then prepare proper meals to take along with you. If it is more convenient to do your fitness activities directly after work, then prepare a bag with fitness clothing to take with you. Preparing all of this the night before will save you valuable time in the morning and remove unnecessary stress before your day truly begins. Failing to prepare is preparing to fail.

Execute. Execute. Execute. Putting these things in position is great, but without execution it is all for nothing. Don’t fall short of the glory, arrange things properly and execute them without any exception. Remember, these are the goals you set for yourself.

Professional Consultations.

At some point you may want to consider sitting down with a professional to help you further your goals. Professional can open up doors and ideas to you that you would have never considered. Never be afraid to ask questions of professionals. Good professionals will have be able to answer your questions, seek the resources to answer your questions or refer you to someone that can better assist you.


Balance Your Life.

Find a fair balance between work, fitness, family and relaxation/sleep. All things should be in moderation and only in healthy excesses. Sleep and relaxation allows the body to repair and focus so remember to get plenty of both.


If you took nothing from the above information, then consider this. Without a plan, your likelihood of achieving your goals will be diminished. Use these simple tips for your health, fitness and everyday goals in your life.

“Your Transformation Begins Where Your Comfort Zone Ends”.

Let’s Go…

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