As we have all found out, it is much easier to accumulate body fat than it is to reduce or lose it. It seems that despite our best efforts, help from others and newly found methods, the fat tends to hang around. There are a few tried and true approaches that with consistency and hard work will work in your favor. Below I have provided you with five of many approaches that will enable your fat loss goals. Let's jump into it.
#1-Lose The Added Sugars:

This makes liquid sugars much more dangerous and potentially counterproductive to the fat loss process. The body/brain does not recognize liquids the same as it recognizes solids. This can lead to an over consumption of sugars, thus increasing your total calories and fructose intake. Liquid sugars extends to sports drinks, fruit juices, sugar-sweetened drinks, as well as coffee and tea with added sugar.
I suggest that you start reading your labels because plenty of frozen, canned, process foods have sugars added to them. Typically speaking, things ending in "ose" or "ol' on labels are likely sugars.
#2-Control The Portions:
For those looking to get serious about their goals, this is essential. Simply eyeballing and guesstimating what you are consuming will only get you so far. To reach that specific goal, you must do specific things. This doesn't mean break out the scale and monitor every grain you eat. (Well, I do when preparing for a competition, but again that is for a specific goal, so it's necessary for me).

#3-WatchThe Carbs:
Carbs are often the first to go when we want to shed the pounds. To be honest, carbs aren't as horrible as they are popularized to be. We just have to remember tip #2 from above. Low carb diets have benefits of reducing type-2 diabetes, belly fat, appetite suppression and removing water from the body. This is normally used for instant gratification to kick your diet off. The issue with this is most low carb diets do not last. Before you know it, those initial pounds are returning, and with friends.
The best approach is to reduce your intake week-by-week so your able to adapt and stick with the change. Consuming fiberous fruits and vegetables will help curve those cravings. Adding in complex carbs will also help with staying on track with this change. For in-depth ideas and information on carbohydrates, refer to my previous article which is all about carbohydrates.
#4-Get Active and Get Fit:
The idea of getting active and fit will likely mean something different to each person. Some use the interpretation of active and fit as a crutch or excuse to not push themselves. The majority of us do not suffer from chronic diseases or physical restraints that stop us from getting active. More often than not it is our lack of self-motivation and followthrough that makes us lazy towards getting active. Get up, get out and elevate your heart rate.
Gym memberships aren't necessary but you may find motivation in a gym environment. Taking a hike, bike ride, jog, run, martial arts, dance class, swimming, etc., anything with purpose. Find an at home workout, like the one I provided below, to MAKE TIME for your schedule. Be serious and deliberate because a lackluster approach will only mentally justify you showing up. You must put in the work. Get creative and keep it fun so you stay interested. There are tons of articles and videos with fun ideas you can access for free, like on my YouTube channel that I recommend you subscribe to. Bottom line, to boost your metabolism you must get active.
#5-Avoid the Magical Products:
Let me say that I am not targeting anyone's products, methods or experiences with this tip. I believe that using certain products that suggest by simply applying them will drop your body fat. Time to read the fine print. It is almost certain that the product will read "with regular diet and exercise", "results may vary" or "results not typical". Since regular diet and exercise is the proven science, I chose to reinforce this and not make people dependent on waiting for the product to work for them. The application of creams, wraps, teas, detox drinks, etc., will only work with regular diet and exercise. So if you are into any of these, then use them as a tool and not the basis of your fat loss campaign.
I choose to disregard the fads, the before and after pics on products because chances are the product contributed to less than 3-5% of what was actually accomplished. Nothing will beat hard work and consistent efforts when it comes to losing body fat. Long lasting effects can't bet bottles and sold, you must work for it.
This program is designed for those on the beginning level of fitness to those on the most advanced levels. Remember, you get out what you put in. With this program, you will be required to continue moving from start to end. This elevates your heart rate, forces increased oxygen intake and keeps stress on the body. Look over each exercise so that you’re familiar with the proper way to execute each exercise. This will allow for smooth transitions and minimize recovery. Also get the necessary equipment before starting the program. Dumbbells, kettle bells or resistance bands should suffice.
Check these training videos out:
Circuit 1
High Flutter Kicks 1 min
Ab Push Through 1 min
Russian Twist 1 min
Circuit 2
Side Hip Raises 30 sec/per side
Toe Touch Crunches 1 min
Circuit 3
Pilates Leg Pull (facing down) w/Knee Tuck 1 min
Toe Taps w/Hip Raise 1 min
*After completing Circuit 3 and only after completing Circuit 3, take a 2min or less to rest and hydrate then start over at Circuit 1. This routine is to be done for a total of THREE times.*
***Always consult a qualified medical professional before beginning any nutritional program or exercise program. The information contained herein is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment in any manner. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding any medical condition. ***
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